Friday, June 15, 2012

Courteous Mass 2012

Hey Ya'll!
As you may or may not know, we discontinued the Courteous Mass ride due to the fact that we did not have insurance for our ride leaders (Vince and me).  I had a couple of lawyers tell me that I was crazy for putting myself in that position.  Their arguments made a heck of a lot of sense.
Fast forward to last Thursday.
Vince and I presented Courteous Mass to the Three Rivers Velo Sports Board of Directors as a viable touring ride for cyclists who want to ride in town.
They agreed and now our ride will be added to the 3RVS touring schedule!  Whoo Hoo!
Thanks to 3RVS especially Board President, Patrick Stelte for his support.

Will the ride change you ask?
Not really except we will have a more designated routes and all participants will be required to ride with helmets.
We are excited to get back into it.
Here is the drill.
All parties are welcome to join and help bring common courtesy back to the streets. For those who need a refresher on what Courteous Mass is, here is the deal:
• The ride will respect and abide the city’s traffic laws.
• Rides will be on the slow side to ensure no one is dropped and that the Mass stays a mass.
• The Mass will only take up one lane, two when necessary for safety.
• The ride will stop at red lights and stop signs. If a light turns red mid-mass, the riders who made the light should safely pull over to wait for those who were caught by the light.
• Riders are asked to signal turns, call out danger, and communicate their intentions to other riders.

The goal of these rides is to be a visible and positive example of the cooperation that can exist between cars and bicycles when people respect the laws and each other. So join the Mass and help make Fort Wayne a better place for bicycles.

Ride is every 2nd Friday of the Month.
Meet at Lawton Park by the Softball Fields at 6:15, Ride at 6:30.

July 13, 2012 is the next one.
Hope to see you all there.

1 comment:

John said...

That's exciting. I was unable to make a few of them and then quit getting notices, so I am glad to hear they are back.