Well, it seems that everyone has to have a year in review. Whether it be movies or fashion or politics or what. So I thought that it might be kind of fun to do a year in review for biking (as I know it)in Fort Wayne.
I will state here that I know that there are many things that I will overlook during this first stab at it. I try to hit some high points. If you care to become involved, please feel free to throw our some stuff in the comment section! Hint, hint.
1. The Wabash and Erie Canal Towpath Trail was completed! This significant investment in infrastructure by the City of Fort Wayne has further connected all of the Aboite trails to the river greenway trails. This section is 5.5 miles. I have not had a chance to ride it yet, but everyone tells me that it is sweet.
2. A 1.5 mile long section of 37 (Stellhorn Rd) was repaved with a much wider shoulder giving cyclists a larger riding area. This section is marked as a Bike Route.
3. Over 200 bike racks have been installed all over the City of Fort Wayne. Most of them are in and around the core. Let’s hope that this program can continue because bike parking continues to help encourage cycling!
1. Bicycle Indiana has taken up the cause again to try and push a three feet passing law! Let your legislators know that this is important to you! Go HERE. Editorial Comment: Passing a low like this does not mean that we expect police to enforce this law. You cannot expect police to ticket for this…unless a driver hits a cyclist! This law is meant to protect cyclist’s rights! If I get run over then a ticket would be issued. If a ticket is issued then the driver is shown to be at fault. Then we won’t here any more of this, “It was an accident!”
1. The Bike Corral was out in full force this year at 5 different community events like: Taste of the Arts and the Johnny Appleseed Festival. It should be noted that this is a purely volunteer effort! These fine folks parked over 800 bikes at the various events downtown making it easier to ride! Hello! Awesome.
2. Bike Month and Bike to Work continues to get better every year. I do not know specific numbers for businesses that were involved but I have heard more about it every year so that is a plus. I have some friends that work over at Lincoln and they said there were over 25 people that rode their bikes to work! I loved how they brought the in the Library in partnership with Cinema Center and showed one of my family’s favorite movies, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
3. The Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge took place between July1 and September 30. Teams were set up and you logged number of trips by bike and miles travelled. Fort Wayne fielded 3 teams. They were the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters, Summit City, and Three Rivers Velo Sports. Combined, these three Fort Wayne teams made 1,789 trips by bicycle and logged over 11,000 miles. I am proud to say the FWBC logged the most trips and most miles for the entire state! Great job to everyone!
4. Courteous Mass Critical Manners continued through most of the year. I am debating continuing to lead this ride or not although some months it is very successful but some are real lightly attended. I kind of feel that we should be riding on main streets to get the point across but also feel that by doing that I am liable should anything happen so I am torn. Ah, screw it. We'll do it again in the spring if you all are into it.
5. Ride of Silence. This year's ride of silence was awesome. I was so glad that Brian Clissold stepped up to help organize it and that the FWPD offered to give us a Police Escort! You can read more about that HERE
1. 15 year old Brian A. Craig of Fort Wayne was hit and killed on Clinton Street at around 6PM on Friday, November 11th. Read more about that HERE
Anecdotally, I see a lot more folks on bikes then I ever have and that gets me stoked! Help to encourage your friends and neighbors to get out there and bike.
Is this list too short? What can you do to help? Whatever you want! We all need to work together to to make Fort Wayne a better place to ride. Got some ideas? Give me a shout and I will help or find someone who can.
Happy New Year everyone.
We are bicycle commuters in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana. This is our effort to raise awareness of bicycle commuters, encourage more people to get on their bikes, and identify issues pertaining to those of us who use a bicycle for transportation.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
These are some doozies.
2011's Biggest Transportation Failures - Commute - The Atlantic Cities
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
It would save lives even if you think that it is against your personal freedom!
Published: December 21, 2011 3:00 a.m.
Ban a demonstrated lifesaver
Washington Post editorial
Personal electronic devices have dramatically changed the way most people go about their lives – largely for the better. But irresponsible use has also introduced serious hazards.
Last year, about eight people died each day in vehicle accidents linked to distracted driving and the use of electronic devices. These 3,029 avoidable tragedies were a catalyst for the National Transportation Safety Board’s groundbreaking and potentially life-saving “no call, no text, no update” proposal last week. The board unanimously urged states to pass legislation banning the use of personal electronic devices while driving. The board proposed a narrow exception for emergencies. It also called on the CTIA, The Wireless Association and the Consumer Electronics Association to encourage development of technology that would dis-able portable devices within reach of the driver when a vehicle is in motion but could be overridden in emergency situations.
The dangers of texting while driving have been thoroughly documented, including in a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, which showed that texting renders drivers 23 times more likely to have an accident or a close call. Thirty-five states (including Indiana) and the District of Columbia have banned texting while driving.
States have been slower to prohibit cellphone conversations. Yet studies show that speaking on a cellphone while driving distracts a driver more than listening to music or speaking with a passenger. D.C. and 10 states prohibit talking on a hand-held device while driving, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
The use of a hands-free device does not appear to diminish the risks and in some cases may increase them. Research has shown that drivers who speak on hand-held devices at least tend to compensate by slowing down, while those on hand-free devices tend not to display more caution.
The American Insurance Association, which supports a total ban, calls the use of mobile devices by drivers “a major epidemic.” Public awareness, legislation and enforcement are key to weaning drivers off of these devices. It should not take another 3,000 deaths.
Ban a demonstrated lifesaver
Washington Post editorial
Personal electronic devices have dramatically changed the way most people go about their lives – largely for the better. But irresponsible use has also introduced serious hazards.
Last year, about eight people died each day in vehicle accidents linked to distracted driving and the use of electronic devices. These 3,029 avoidable tragedies were a catalyst for the National Transportation Safety Board’s groundbreaking and potentially life-saving “no call, no text, no update” proposal last week. The board unanimously urged states to pass legislation banning the use of personal electronic devices while driving. The board proposed a narrow exception for emergencies. It also called on the CTIA, The Wireless Association and the Consumer Electronics Association to encourage development of technology that would dis-able portable devices within reach of the driver when a vehicle is in motion but could be overridden in emergency situations.
The dangers of texting while driving have been thoroughly documented, including in a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, which showed that texting renders drivers 23 times more likely to have an accident or a close call. Thirty-five states (including Indiana) and the District of Columbia have banned texting while driving.
States have been slower to prohibit cellphone conversations. Yet studies show that speaking on a cellphone while driving distracts a driver more than listening to music or speaking with a passenger. D.C. and 10 states prohibit talking on a hand-held device while driving, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
The use of a hands-free device does not appear to diminish the risks and in some cases may increase them. Research has shown that drivers who speak on hand-held devices at least tend to compensate by slowing down, while those on hand-free devices tend not to display more caution.
The American Insurance Association, which supports a total ban, calls the use of mobile devices by drivers “a major epidemic.” Public awareness, legislation and enforcement are key to weaning drivers off of these devices. It should not take another 3,000 deaths.
I hope someone in charge reads this.
Shareable: How to Boost Biking and Walking Even Further in Your City
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How can we continue to afford to not ride a bike!
JournalGazette.net - National | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
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Monday, December 19, 2011
from the infrastructurist...
The Daily Dig: Can Americans Make the Switch from Driving to Biking to Work? | INFRASTRUCTURIST
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Roads sure are expensive
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » Transit’s Not Bleeding the Taxpayer Dry — Roads Are
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Fort Wayne Trails Survey
Gotta tell you all, I love trails. I use the trails almost everyday. I think trails make our City better and get more people on bikes which is what we all want right?
I think that the only way to get trails near everyone though is by utilizing on street trails like: bike boulevards or protected bike lanes. This is mentioned in one of the questions and my suggestion is that you vote for it. Trails can cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars per mile of trail. This is not sustainable. I ask that you consider it. We need more infrastructure and do not have the luxury of not considering other means.
Gotta tell you all, I love trails. I use the trails almost everyday. I think trails make our City better and get more people on bikes which is what we all want right?
I think that the only way to get trails near everyone though is by utilizing on street trails like: bike boulevards or protected bike lanes. This is mentioned in one of the questions and my suggestion is that you vote for it. Trails can cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars per mile of trail. This is not sustainable. I ask that you consider it. We need more infrastructure and do not have the luxury of not considering other means.
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3 foot law in Indiana! Please follow link and contact Representatives
Bicycle Indiana needs your support for a statewide three-foot passing law!
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Monday, December 5, 2011
If it isn't enforced is it against the law?
The Uncomfortable Relationship Between Bikes and Red Lights - Commute - The Atlantic Cities
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Indiana Code alert!
IC 9-21-8-59
Use of telecommunications device while operating a moving motor vehicle
Sec. 59. (a) A person may not use a telecommunications device to:
(1) type a text message or an electronic mail message;
(2) transmit a text message or an electronic mail message; or
(3) read a text message or an electronic mail message;
while operating a moving motor vehicle unless the device is used in conjunction with hands free or voice operated technology, or unless the device is used to call 911 to report a bona fide emergency.
(b) A police officer may not confiscate a telecommunications device for the purpose of determining compliance with this section or confiscate a telecommunications device and retain it as evidence pending trial for a violation of this section.
As added by P.L.185-2011, SEC.4.
Use of telecommunications device while operating a moving motor vehicle
Sec. 59. (a) A person may not use a telecommunications device to:
(1) type a text message or an electronic mail message;
(2) transmit a text message or an electronic mail message; or
(3) read a text message or an electronic mail message;
while operating a moving motor vehicle unless the device is used in conjunction with hands free or voice operated technology, or unless the device is used to call 911 to report a bona fide emergency.
(b) A police officer may not confiscate a telecommunications device for the purpose of determining compliance with this section or confiscate a telecommunications device and retain it as evidence pending trial for a violation of this section.
As added by P.L.185-2011, SEC.4.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Regarding the boy who was killed on Friday night on Clinton
Original story can be found HERE
I was watching the news last night and the comment was made that Clinton is a busy street and is dark. That is very true. It is busy and is not well lit and the 35 MPH speed limit is not adhered to by most drivers making this area very unsafe for vulnerable road users.
The link above to the article in Saturday's Journal Gazette made a point of stating that the boys did have dark clothing on, no helmets on, and very few reflectors.
Honestly, would it have made a difference? We might never know. What is my point here you ask? The kid was 15 years old. Judging by the hour, he was probably on the way home for dinner with his buddies from the neighborhood. There is no safe place to cross that road! Is that his fault? No. People come screaming down that hill toward the downtown. It that his fault? No. Kids are not going to travel a half mile or more to an intersection to cross and then ride their bikes all the way back. It won't happen.
Sure they could have planned ahead at 3 pm or whenever they went out on their bikes and thought, "Gee, it might be dark when I come home so I should wear white." 15 yr old boy? Yeah right.
This freeway through the middle of town is dark and is unsafe for those who are on bikes or are walking. But that doesn't mean that they still won't be there. They will! Like those who use cars for transportation, they still have places to go (even if it is unsafe).
I am so sorry that this young man had to lose his life because cars are more important than those who use bikes or walk. It is time that the most vulnerable road users are taken into consideration.
Could this tragedy have been avoided somehow. Yes. Who is at fault here? The Driver of the car? Partially. The boy riding the bike? Partially. The engineers who designed the road? Partially.
Could this have been avoided with an educational campaign in the schools that help kids understand the dangers and consequences of not thinking about all of those dangers? Perhaps. But since when does a 15 year old boy listen to anything?
Could it have been avoided if this freeway's speed limits were enforced on a regular basis? Perhaps.
Could this have been avoided if the road was illuminated better? Maybe.
Could it have been avoided if the most vulnerable road users were always considered within traffic engineering design? Maybe.
I hope that people will not just point the blame at this poor kid for not wearing the right colored clothing or having the correct number of reflectors though. There are a lot of folks who need to share the blame for his early death. RIP.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Cyclist killed on Clinton
Teen cyclist dies struck on Clinton | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Don't Text and Drive
It is against the law in Indiana!
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Friday, November 4, 2011
Life without a car
Choosing to live without wheels | FortWayne.com - Fort Wayne IN
It is so nice to hear about people living life without cars and knowing that it is do able, even in Car-centric Fort Wayne. I thank the News Sentinel for printing it because it is news and good news at that!
It is so nice to hear about people living life without cars and knowing that it is do able, even in Car-centric Fort Wayne. I thank the News Sentinel for printing it because it is news and good news at that!
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The always insightful, Richard Florida
Creative Class » Blog Archive » The Geography of How We Get to Work - Creative Class
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Follow up to previous post on cost savings
The True Cost of Commuting: Save Hundreds Every Year for Each Mile You Move Closer to Work
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Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Halloween for the cyclist
So you are a cyclist, and you want to dress up for Halloween, what should you do?
A Cutter? Being in Indiana that is probably the one I would go for but check HERE for some other ideas.
3/4 of the time, car and truck drivers at fault for accidents
Australian helmet cam study reveals motorists to blame in vast majority of cycling crashes (+ videos) | road.cc | The website for pedal powered people: Road cycling, commuting, leisure cycling and racing. Voted the UK's number 1 cycling website at the 2010 & 2011 BikeBiz awards.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Newsflash! Congress wants to eliminate bike funding...again.
League of American Bicyclists -- Transportation Enhancements under Attack Again
Follow the link to send email to senators.
Follow the link to send email to senators.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Go Wisconsin!
Wis. lawmakers to consider bicycle passing rules - chicagotribune.com
If you make it safer for cyclists, or at least give them perceived sense of safety, more people will ride! If you want more people to ride, this must occur.
If you make it safer for cyclists, or at least give them perceived sense of safety, more people will ride! If you want more people to ride, this must occur.
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Monday, October 24, 2011
imagine this....
Road three lanes wide, 10 cars on the road , me in the right lane. I get honked at and literally forced to the curb. I yell, but just as I do that the lady in the car behind me follows the previous car's lead and does the same thing to me, again! All this as another car rolls down the window to yell at me to get on the sidewalk.
Was it rush hour? No. 340 pm.
So, was I at fault? Is the City at fault? Are the drivers at fault? Yes, Yes, and Yes.
Me for bowing to the pressure and being bullied by a driver. I should never have moved over. TAKE YOUR LANE, DO NOT DEVIATE!
The City and Bicycle Indiana for not funding an Educational campaign for drivers.
The drivers for thinking that they are more important than I am and that the road is there strictly for their use.
Three lanes wide! 10 cars in that space! But not enough room for a bicycle.
I am angriest at myself.
Was it rush hour? No. 340 pm.
So, was I at fault? Is the City at fault? Are the drivers at fault? Yes, Yes, and Yes.
Me for bowing to the pressure and being bullied by a driver. I should never have moved over. TAKE YOUR LANE, DO NOT DEVIATE!
The City and Bicycle Indiana for not funding an Educational campaign for drivers.
The drivers for thinking that they are more important than I am and that the road is there strictly for their use.
Three lanes wide! 10 cars in that space! But not enough room for a bicycle.
I am angriest at myself.
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I want one!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
once again, it's the cyclist's fault
Bicyclist serious after DeKalb crash with SUV | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
So was the cyclist riding on the wrong side of the road and decided to cross the entire road just as a vehicle was approaching? Sounds a little fishy.
Granted I am making this observation from a news release
Let's hope that Mr. Schwark recovers.
So was the cyclist riding on the wrong side of the road and decided to cross the entire road just as a vehicle was approaching? Sounds a little fishy.
Granted I am making this observation from a news release
Let's hope that Mr. Schwark recovers.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How Bike Projects Save Money & Make Life Better for Everyone (in Minneapolis)
Mayor R.T. Rybak stressed that in these lean economic times, cities across the country need to be creative about how they spend transportation dollars. Big-ticket road engineering projects to move ever more cars must give way to more efficient projects that move people by a variety of means—including foot, bike, transit. "We need to get more use from all the streets we already have," Rybak said. "It really is the idea that bikes belong."
This is so true. Time to look forward!
The Whole story is HERE
This is so true. Time to look forward!
The Whole story is HERE
From Minneapolis, good stuff
Minneapolis' Midtown Greenway: Good for Biz, Good for Bikes. from Streetfilms on Vimeo.
Yeah, it is even colder there.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Critical Manners Courteous Mass
Due to high winds and the probability of rain, there will be no ride tomorrow evening. Maybe next month.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Bike counting
City of Fort Wayne will be conducting their first ever bike counts on Thursday, October 6th! It promises to be a gorgeous day. Staff will be counting bikes, logging direction of travel, identifying gender and whether or not the riders are wearing helmets at 3 locations between 6:30 am and 3 pm. Staff will be stationed at Wayne/Calhoun, Berry/Calhoun, and Anthony/Niagra (trail).
I'll be at Wayne/Calhoun from 9:30-12:30. Ride by and say hello!
I'll be at Wayne/Calhoun from 9:30-12:30. Ride by and say hello!
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Friday, September 30, 2011
Towpath Trail opens
New trail follows old canal | FortWayne.com - Fort Wayne IN
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The future is Utility Bikes
From a recently held contest in Oregon.
The Rest of the Story is HERE
Thanks to Lucas for the enlightenment.
The Rest of the Story is HERE
Thanks to Lucas for the enlightenment.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Avoid the door zone at all costs and think twice about a bike lane that puts you in the door zone
This was extremely eye opening for me and I hope that everyone takes this to heart. I never thought about how you fall when "doored". Now we know.
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters and pounds of CO2 kept out of the atmosphere
From fueleconomy.gov
It seems impossible that a gallon of gasoline, which weighs about 6.3 pounds, could produce 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn't come from the gasoline itself, but the oxygen in the air.
When gasoline burns, the carbon and hydrogen separate. The hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (H2O), and carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2).
A carbon atom has a weight of 12, and each oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of CO2 an atomic weight of 44 (12 from carbon and 32 from oxygen).
Therefore, to calculate the amount of CO2 produced from a gallon of gasoline, the weight of the carbon in the gasoline is multiplied by 44/12 or 3.7.
Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87).
We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2!
According to this data, since the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters have biked 7,522 miles as of 9/26/2011 (assuming each of us would have been driving cars that get 20 miles per gallon, this keeps the math easy)as a team we have kept 7,522 pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere! (7,522 miles/20 miles per gallon = 376.1 gallons of gas and 1 gallon of gas = 20 pounds of CO2)
With that 7,522 miles traveled we are leading in the miles traveled category and we are also leading the trips category with 1,339 trips by bike!
See all the stats of the 2011 Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge HERE.
Way to go everyone! Hats off to the other Fort Wayne teams as well (Summit City Bicycles and Three Rivers Velo Sports)!!
Just a few more days, keep up the good work!
It seems impossible that a gallon of gasoline, which weighs about 6.3 pounds, could produce 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn't come from the gasoline itself, but the oxygen in the air.
When gasoline burns, the carbon and hydrogen separate. The hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (H2O), and carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2).
A carbon atom has a weight of 12, and each oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of CO2 an atomic weight of 44 (12 from carbon and 32 from oxygen).
Therefore, to calculate the amount of CO2 produced from a gallon of gasoline, the weight of the carbon in the gasoline is multiplied by 44/12 or 3.7.
Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87).
We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2!
According to this data, since the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters have biked 7,522 miles as of 9/26/2011 (assuming each of us would have been driving cars that get 20 miles per gallon, this keeps the math easy)as a team we have kept 7,522 pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere! (7,522 miles/20 miles per gallon = 376.1 gallons of gas and 1 gallon of gas = 20 pounds of CO2)
With that 7,522 miles traveled we are leading in the miles traveled category and we are also leading the trips category with 1,339 trips by bike!
See all the stats of the 2011 Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge HERE.
Way to go everyone! Hats off to the other Fort Wayne teams as well (Summit City Bicycles and Three Rivers Velo Sports)!!
Just a few more days, keep up the good work!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Google trends for Bikes. Indiana is number 9.
Google Trends: bicycles, bike, cycling, sustainable
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
Protection of cyclists law in DC introduced
WABA Quick Release » Blog Archive » Protection of Cyclists Law Introduced In DC
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Commuter Challenge results as of 9/19/2011
Bicycle Indiana (Click to see results)
We are still #1 in trips!
We gotta keep the pedal to the floor though people! There is some guy named John Lynn who made 250 some odd trips in the last two weeks! I don't know what team he is on but its not ours.
We are still second in miles behind indycog but gaining.
Great work! 8 days to go! Would love to see us rack up 1200 trips! Go FWBCs!
We are still #1 in trips!
We gotta keep the pedal to the floor though people! There is some guy named John Lynn who made 250 some odd trips in the last two weeks! I don't know what team he is on but its not ours.
We are still second in miles behind indycog but gaining.
Great work! 8 days to go! Would love to see us rack up 1200 trips! Go FWBCs!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Care to get involved?
Once again, I need your help with recruiting volunteers for Bike Valet.
Together with Fort Wayne Trails the city is providing free bike parking for the Regional Maker Faire on Oct. 1 &2. The event is at Headwaters Park East and I need to cover several 2 hr. spots from 8:30 to 6:30. Bike valet is increasingly popular with local cyclists. The service has been provided at Parkview Field, River Fest (IPFW), Taste of the Arts, and Johnny Appleseed Festival. So far, we have parked nearly 700 bikes at these events. That represents a 100% increase over last year... it's catching on. The Regional Maker Faire is the last event of the season for Bike Valet. Please consider helping us finish strong! If you are willing to spend a couple hours interacting with grateful cyclists, parking their bikes and supervising them while they enjoy the event, please give me a call or send me an email with your preferred shift. paul.spoelhof@cityoffortwayne.org
thank you,
Paul Spoelhof
City of Fort Wayne
Senior Planner
Together with Fort Wayne Trails the city is providing free bike parking for the Regional Maker Faire on Oct. 1 &2. The event is at Headwaters Park East and I need to cover several 2 hr. spots from 8:30 to 6:30. Bike valet is increasingly popular with local cyclists. The service has been provided at Parkview Field, River Fest (IPFW), Taste of the Arts, and Johnny Appleseed Festival. So far, we have parked nearly 700 bikes at these events. That represents a 100% increase over last year... it's catching on. The Regional Maker Faire is the last event of the season for Bike Valet. Please consider helping us finish strong! If you are willing to spend a couple hours interacting with grateful cyclists, parking their bikes and supervising them while they enjoy the event, please give me a call or send me an email with your preferred shift. paul.spoelhof@cityoffortwayne.org
thank you,
Paul Spoelhof
City of Fort Wayne
Senior Planner
Cars allowed in bike lanes, lanes identified as advisory
After reading this over a number of times I have some opinions (surprise) on the subject.
I would appreciate some comments though to get your opinions as well.
Turns from bike lane legal
Benjamin Lanka | The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – An increase of bicycle use in Fort Wayne means drivers and cyclists alike must be more alert when on the streets.
Q. Can we remind people at the corner of East Wayne and Clinton streets the right hand lane is designated as a bike lane only? We have attempted to turn right from the correct lane and see a driver trying to turn right ahead of us using the bike lane. – Sandra Barleben, Fort Wayne
A. Hopefully, we can do a bit of teaching, Sandra, and the answer may surprise you and many other city drivers. It is actually OK to use the bike lane, if just for a short moment.
Shan Gunawardena, city traffic engineer, said with more bike lanes being installed in the city, it is important for both drivers and cyclists to know how to use them.
Drivers wanting to turn right from a road with bike lanes and no right-turn-only lane should line up behind each other and use signals to make their intentions known.
Gunawardena said a good way to alleviate the potential for conflict with cyclists and other drivers is to line up as close to the right curb as possible, even if that means crossing into the bike lane while waiting to turn. This may seem counterintuitive to drive on the bike lane, but he can explain his reasoning.
Marty Bender, deputy Fort Wayne police chief, agreed with Gunawardena that drivers should use the bike lane as a turn lane after first checking to ensure no cyclists are present. Bender, who said the bike lanes are more advisory than anything, said this is a much safer method than having drivers turning from the through lane with bikes or even other drivers trying to get by on the right.
“By all means yield to bicycles,” he said. “If they aren’t there, feel free to use that as a turn lane.”
Using the lane makes it clear the driver intends to turn and prevents other cars from trying to squeeze by on the right. It also makes the road safer for cyclists by eliminating the potential for a “right hook.” This happens when a driver turns right from the travel lane when the signal is green while a cyclists moves through the intersection.
While a cyclist has the right of way in this scenario, that fact won’t help him if the driver doesn’t see him.
This may add some delays to people on bikes downtown, as they should then wait behind the turning vehicle, but that is a worthy sacrifice to ensure everyone remains safe. Of course, drivers making such a maneuver should always check to make sure their path is clear of cyclists.
One of my major concerns is why this wasn't sorted out prior to the bike lanes being installed. Could there been engineered improvements that would make these areas safer to the cyclists? Obviously drivers are going to yield to cyclists in front of them, Right? But what happens when there is a cyclist riding in the bike lane (that according to this article, which are Advisory more than anything? Wait...What???)and a driver remembers that they are allowed in the bike lane, dives into the bike lane and sideswipes me or you.
If the drivers are allowed to be in the lanes then why do we even have them?
I thought that the bike lanes were to protect the cyclists, make them more comfortable, and increase transportation by bike? Wrong again. Won't be the last time.
Lastly, this policy is just that, a policy. There is not a state or local ordinance that governs this policy. If I get hit and killed in a bike lane by someone who remembers reading in the Journal Gazette that the Bike lane isn't just for bikes, watch out for the wrath of my Red Headed Wife!
I would appreciate some comments though to get your opinions as well.
Turns from bike lane legal
Benjamin Lanka | The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – An increase of bicycle use in Fort Wayne means drivers and cyclists alike must be more alert when on the streets.
Q. Can we remind people at the corner of East Wayne and Clinton streets the right hand lane is designated as a bike lane only? We have attempted to turn right from the correct lane and see a driver trying to turn right ahead of us using the bike lane. – Sandra Barleben, Fort Wayne
A. Hopefully, we can do a bit of teaching, Sandra, and the answer may surprise you and many other city drivers. It is actually OK to use the bike lane, if just for a short moment.
Shan Gunawardena, city traffic engineer, said with more bike lanes being installed in the city, it is important for both drivers and cyclists to know how to use them.
Drivers wanting to turn right from a road with bike lanes and no right-turn-only lane should line up behind each other and use signals to make their intentions known.
Gunawardena said a good way to alleviate the potential for conflict with cyclists and other drivers is to line up as close to the right curb as possible, even if that means crossing into the bike lane while waiting to turn. This may seem counterintuitive to drive on the bike lane, but he can explain his reasoning.
Marty Bender, deputy Fort Wayne police chief, agreed with Gunawardena that drivers should use the bike lane as a turn lane after first checking to ensure no cyclists are present. Bender, who said the bike lanes are more advisory than anything, said this is a much safer method than having drivers turning from the through lane with bikes or even other drivers trying to get by on the right.
“By all means yield to bicycles,” he said. “If they aren’t there, feel free to use that as a turn lane.”
Using the lane makes it clear the driver intends to turn and prevents other cars from trying to squeeze by on the right. It also makes the road safer for cyclists by eliminating the potential for a “right hook.” This happens when a driver turns right from the travel lane when the signal is green while a cyclists moves through the intersection.
While a cyclist has the right of way in this scenario, that fact won’t help him if the driver doesn’t see him.
This may add some delays to people on bikes downtown, as they should then wait behind the turning vehicle, but that is a worthy sacrifice to ensure everyone remains safe. Of course, drivers making such a maneuver should always check to make sure their path is clear of cyclists.
One of my major concerns is why this wasn't sorted out prior to the bike lanes being installed. Could there been engineered improvements that would make these areas safer to the cyclists? Obviously drivers are going to yield to cyclists in front of them, Right? But what happens when there is a cyclist riding in the bike lane (that according to this article, which are Advisory more than anything? Wait...What???)and a driver remembers that they are allowed in the bike lane, dives into the bike lane and sideswipes me or you.
If the drivers are allowed to be in the lanes then why do we even have them?
I thought that the bike lanes were to protect the cyclists, make them more comfortable, and increase transportation by bike? Wrong again. Won't be the last time.
Lastly, this policy is just that, a policy. There is not a state or local ordinance that governs this policy. If I get hit and killed in a bike lane by someone who remembers reading in the Journal Gazette that the Bike lane isn't just for bikes, watch out for the wrath of my Red Headed Wife!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Janette Sadik-Khan, Transportation Geniousity at work
Published: September 10, 2011
From the New York Times
SOMETHING lovely and all too rare happened to Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City’s frequently demonized transportation commissioner, as she and I rode our bikes down Park Avenue South one morning last month: Sadik-Khan got unsolicited, unfettered praise.
It came from a young cyclist who happened to pull up beside us, glanced over at her and suddenly beamed.
“Oh, it’s you!” he stammered, then mentioned that he owned a bicycle shop and had recently placed a newspaper ad publicly thanking her for her cycling advocacy. “You’re going to leave a legacy, you know.”
He’s right. Sadik-Khan and Mayor Bloomberg both. And it’s past time that more than just a passer-by trumpeted it.
Since the mayor appointed her in 2007 and she began to bring her agency’s work more closely in line with his vision of a greener New York, the city has roughly doubled its miles of bike lanes, to about 500. If you did any biking at all in Manhattan or Brooklyn this summer, you may well have noticed the improvements, including protected bike lanes (ones that separate cyclists entirely from street traffic) on such major arteries as Columbus and First Avenues in Manhattan.
The Rest of The Story
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Letter to the Journal Gazette editor
This letter appeared in the Sunday paper.
I just love how positive it is!
City’s bike friendliness a welcome change
People are riding bicycles more and more these days.
The ad for Citilink’s “action day” to reduce the ozone really gets one thinking about the earth’s warming and the greenhouse effect. I choose to ride my bicycle and leave a smaller carbon footprint as often as I can. It is so impressive to see how the city has changed and that more folks are using a self-powered mode of transportation.
The city government is supportive in big way. Boulevards with bike lanes are now open. Bike racks placed strategically throughout the city and sidewalks sloped to street levels make it so convenient to cycle. The Rivergeenway can take a cyclist into other neighborhoods to visit family and friends.
Every day there seem to be more bicycles around town as people get used to the changes and think of ways to move around the city. One can get to downtown for dinner, baseball and the theater (you’ve got to love downtown dining, Parkview Field, the Embassy, Civic, Arena, Cinema Center, museums and the library).
Motorists are getting used to the increase in bicycle traffic and have found the bike lanes make them more aware of “sharing the road.” The cyclists find they are much safer on these city streets.
Bicycles and foot traffic have all increased, which shows how much “greener” Fort Wayne is thinking. We’re catching up to places such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and even Europe. We’re smarter than just a generation ago. Let’s keep the changes coming.
THOMAS A. MAY Fort Wayne
I just love how positive it is!
City’s bike friendliness a welcome change
People are riding bicycles more and more these days.
The ad for Citilink’s “action day” to reduce the ozone really gets one thinking about the earth’s warming and the greenhouse effect. I choose to ride my bicycle and leave a smaller carbon footprint as often as I can. It is so impressive to see how the city has changed and that more folks are using a self-powered mode of transportation.
The city government is supportive in big way. Boulevards with bike lanes are now open. Bike racks placed strategically throughout the city and sidewalks sloped to street levels make it so convenient to cycle. The Rivergeenway can take a cyclist into other neighborhoods to visit family and friends.
Every day there seem to be more bicycles around town as people get used to the changes and think of ways to move around the city. One can get to downtown for dinner, baseball and the theater (you’ve got to love downtown dining, Parkview Field, the Embassy, Civic, Arena, Cinema Center, museums and the library).
Motorists are getting used to the increase in bicycle traffic and have found the bike lanes make them more aware of “sharing the road.” The cyclists find they are much safer on these city streets.
Bicycles and foot traffic have all increased, which shows how much “greener” Fort Wayne is thinking. We’re catching up to places such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and even Europe. We’re smarter than just a generation ago. Let’s keep the changes coming.
THOMAS A. MAY Fort Wayne
Commuter Challenge results as of 9/12/2011
We are ruling in trips!
Runner up in miles!
Keep it up.
We are ruling in trips!
Runner up in miles!
Keep it up.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tour De Fashion
Bike by designer Lela Rose Credit: Tour de Fashion
Twice a year, dozens of stone-faced models march down the runways of New York Fashion Week wearing marvelous clothes that very few of us can even begin to afford. Fewer still will be invited to grace the front row seats of the runway spectacles themselves (hint: be rich, powerful, or a Real Housewife). Regular folks need not apply, though there’s usually enough media coverage to tide over most casual observers. Trends may come and go, but Fashion Week remains a high-visibility, low-access affair.
During this year’s Fashion Week, however, all New Yorkers get a front-row seat - a bicycle seat, that is. From September 8 - 15, the Fashion Center Business Improvement District (BID) is sponsoring Tour de Fashion, a limited-time bike share program that makes a fleet of 30 bicycles available to the public for free 90-minute rides around town. The bicycles have been creatively (and in some cases outrageously) customized by some of New York City’s best fashion designers, including industry superstars like Diane Von Furstenburg, Isaac Mizrahi, Betsy Johnson and Elie Tahari as well as up-and-comers like Prabal Gurung and Project Runway winner Gretchen Jones.
The Rest of the Story
Bike by designer Lela Rose Credit: Tour de Fashion
Twice a year, dozens of stone-faced models march down the runways of New York Fashion Week wearing marvelous clothes that very few of us can even begin to afford. Fewer still will be invited to grace the front row seats of the runway spectacles themselves (hint: be rich, powerful, or a Real Housewife). Regular folks need not apply, though there’s usually enough media coverage to tide over most casual observers. Trends may come and go, but Fashion Week remains a high-visibility, low-access affair.
During this year’s Fashion Week, however, all New Yorkers get a front-row seat - a bicycle seat, that is. From September 8 - 15, the Fashion Center Business Improvement District (BID) is sponsoring Tour de Fashion, a limited-time bike share program that makes a fleet of 30 bicycles available to the public for free 90-minute rides around town. The bicycles have been creatively (and in some cases outrageously) customized by some of New York City’s best fashion designers, including industry superstars like Diane Von Furstenburg, Isaac Mizrahi, Betsy Johnson and Elie Tahari as well as up-and-comers like Prabal Gurung and Project Runway winner Gretchen Jones.
The Rest of the Story
Critical Manners Courteous Mass for September 2011
Hey Gang.
Here is the drill.
All parties are welcome to join and help bring common courtesy back to the streets. For those who need a refresher on what Critical Manners/Courteous Mass is, here is the deal:
• The ride will respect and abide the city’s traffic laws.
• Rides will be on the slow side to ensure no one is dropped and that the Mass stays a mass.
• The Mass will only take up one lane, two when necessary for safety.
• The ride will stop at red lights and stop signs. If a light turns red mid-mass, the riders who made the light should safely pull over to wait for those who were caught by the light.
• Riders are asked to signal turns, call out danger, and communicate their intentions to other riders.
The goal of these rides is to be a visible and positive example of the cooperation that can exist between cars and bicycles when people respect the laws and each other. So join the Mass and help make Fort Wayne a better place for bicycles.This Friday at Lawton Park by the Softball Field. We meet at 6:15 and ride at 6:30
Hope to see you there.
Here is the drill.
All parties are welcome to join and help bring common courtesy back to the streets. For those who need a refresher on what Critical Manners/Courteous Mass is, here is the deal:
• The ride will respect and abide the city’s traffic laws.
• Rides will be on the slow side to ensure no one is dropped and that the Mass stays a mass.
• The Mass will only take up one lane, two when necessary for safety.
• The ride will stop at red lights and stop signs. If a light turns red mid-mass, the riders who made the light should safely pull over to wait for those who were caught by the light.
• Riders are asked to signal turns, call out danger, and communicate their intentions to other riders.
The goal of these rides is to be a visible and positive example of the cooperation that can exist between cars and bicycles when people respect the laws and each other. So join the Mass and help make Fort Wayne a better place for bicycles.This Friday at Lawton Park by the Softball Field. We meet at 6:15 and ride at 6:30
Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Number 1 in trips and #2 in miles
You know when this thing started, I would have never thought that the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters could put in 1000 trips in 3 months. That is not going to be a problem, we might be there next week. Thanks to all of you for logging all of the trips and miles! It shows that there is a huge bicycling commuter population here in the Fort.
Congrats to the Summit City and Three Rivers Velo Sports teams as well. They didn't want to be on our team but they are a part of our City so kudos to all of the participants that they have recruited.
Between the 3 Fort Wayne teams we have logged 1,145 trips by bike for a total of 7,200 miles. Ginormous!
From Bicycle Indiana
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of September 6, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
Mary Craighead 1351
James Lynn 1322
Chuck Reidy 1191
Rick Cox 1018
Nate Gernert 966
Doreen Crenshaw 964
Dan Atkinson 995
Jeffrey Kenny 951
Doug Wengerd 904
John Marshall 886
Tyler Stambaugh 881
Angel Campos 798
Aaron Hawkins 756
Don Golden 679
John Cook 581
Sam Callaway 542
cam starnes 532
Kurt Weisner 531
James Walter 530
Tom McCain 517
Team Results - High Mileage
INDYCOG Total 5662
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Total 4860
Bike Richmond Total 2411
CIBA Total 1998
Summit City Bicycles Total 1722
Bike Michiana Total 1419
Lonely Boys Total 1026
Three Rivers Velo Sport Total 798
Bicycle Indiana Total 756
BF&S Total 662
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 420
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 358
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 316
Evansville Bicycle Club Total 280
Machismo Cyclismo Total 33
KCV Cycling Club Total 30
Top 30 Individual Results – Most Trips
Wendy Reed Total 196
Alexander Saldivar Total 187
tom mcCain Total 180
Mark Stosberg Total 168
Mary Craighead Total 165
Jeffrey Kenny Total 153
PJ Thuringer Total 140
Tyler Stambaugh Total 120
Doreen Crenshaw Total 117
James Lynn Total 106
Kevin Whited Total 106
Aaron Hawkins Total 102
Matt McKimmy Total 98
Elizabeth Bonney Total 95
Becky McKimmy Total 92
Amy Hartzog Total 87
Jeremy McElroy Total 87
Doug Wengerd Total 85
Angel Campos Total 83
Kyle Baker Total 83
John Dockery Total 81
Paul Taylor Total 78
Dan Atkinson Total 75
John Lynn Total 111
Brian Meeker Total 74
Matt Reed Total 67
Rick Cox Total 60
Don Golden Total 59
Kurt Whited Total 55
Mark Berry Total 55
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Total 906
INDYCOG Total 792
Bike Richmond Total 753
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 291
CIBA Total 221
Summit City Bicycles Total 156
Bike Michiana Total 144
Bicycle Indiana Total 92
BF&S Total 90
Three Rivers Velo Sport Total 83
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 38
Lonely Boys Total 31
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 24
Evansville Bicycle Club Total 13
Machismo Cyclismo Total 4
KCV Cycling Club Total 3
Congrats to the Summit City and Three Rivers Velo Sports teams as well. They didn't want to be on our team but they are a part of our City so kudos to all of the participants that they have recruited.
Between the 3 Fort Wayne teams we have logged 1,145 trips by bike for a total of 7,200 miles. Ginormous!
From Bicycle Indiana
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of September 6, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
Mary Craighead 1351
James Lynn 1322
Chuck Reidy 1191
Rick Cox 1018
Nate Gernert 966
Doreen Crenshaw 964
Dan Atkinson 995
Jeffrey Kenny 951
Doug Wengerd 904
John Marshall 886
Tyler Stambaugh 881
Angel Campos 798
Aaron Hawkins 756
Don Golden 679
John Cook 581
Sam Callaway 542
cam starnes 532
Kurt Weisner 531
James Walter 530
Tom McCain 517
Team Results - High Mileage
INDYCOG Total 5662
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Total 4860
Bike Richmond Total 2411
CIBA Total 1998
Summit City Bicycles Total 1722
Bike Michiana Total 1419
Lonely Boys Total 1026
Three Rivers Velo Sport Total 798
Bicycle Indiana Total 756
BF&S Total 662
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 420
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 358
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 316
Evansville Bicycle Club Total 280
Machismo Cyclismo Total 33
KCV Cycling Club Total 30
Top 30 Individual Results – Most Trips
Wendy Reed Total 196
Alexander Saldivar Total 187
tom mcCain Total 180
Mark Stosberg Total 168
Mary Craighead Total 165
Jeffrey Kenny Total 153
PJ Thuringer Total 140
Tyler Stambaugh Total 120
Doreen Crenshaw Total 117
James Lynn Total 106
Kevin Whited Total 106
Aaron Hawkins Total 102
Matt McKimmy Total 98
Elizabeth Bonney Total 95
Becky McKimmy Total 92
Amy Hartzog Total 87
Jeremy McElroy Total 87
Doug Wengerd Total 85
Angel Campos Total 83
Kyle Baker Total 83
John Dockery Total 81
Paul Taylor Total 78
Dan Atkinson Total 75
John Lynn Total 111
Brian Meeker Total 74
Matt Reed Total 67
Rick Cox Total 60
Don Golden Total 59
Kurt Whited Total 55
Mark Berry Total 55
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Total 906
INDYCOG Total 792
Bike Richmond Total 753
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 291
CIBA Total 221
Summit City Bicycles Total 156
Bike Michiana Total 144
Bicycle Indiana Total 92
BF&S Total 90
Three Rivers Velo Sport Total 83
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 38
Lonely Boys Total 31
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 24
Evansville Bicycle Club Total 13
Machismo Cyclismo Total 4
KCV Cycling Club Total 3
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
We are 2 months into the Commuter Challenge and looking great!
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge
Ride your Drive and Win
Individual and Team results as of August 29, 2011
There are now 3 teams from Fort Wayne as Three Rivers Velo Sports has been added. We are making a great showing for the Fort. Keep up the good work everyone!
Top 20 Individual Results – High Mileage
1. Mary Craighead 1187
2. James Lynn 1132
3. Chuck Reidy 1026
4. Nate Gernert 966
5. Rick Cox 867
6. Daniel Atkinson 841
7. Doreen Crenshaw 839
8. Jefrey Kenny 802
9. Tyler Stambaugh 795
10. John Marshall 757
11. Don Golden 651
12. John Cook 573
13. Doug Wengerd 540
14. Sam Callaway 507
15. Cam Starnes 498
16. Kurt Weisner 424
17. Eric Nolan 420
18. John Taylor 406
19. Aaron Hawkins 390
20. Bob Burns 383
Team Results – High Mileage
1. Indycog 4527
2. Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 4103
3. Bike Richmond 2035
4. CIBA 1831
5. Summit City Bicycles 1356
6. Bike Michiana 1210
7. Lonely Boys 1026
8. Bicycle Indiana 666
9. BF&S 627
10. Jeff Kolp State Farm 420
11. Dude, Where’s My Car? 327
12. University Place Cycle Team 280
13. Madison Area Bicycling Club 263
14. Three Rivers Velo Sport 190
15. Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
1. Alexander Saldivar 187
2. Wendy Reed 163
3. Mary Craighead 145
4. Jefrey Kenny 133
5. Mark Strosberg 130
6. PJ Thuringer 117
7. John Lynn 111
8. Doreen Crenshaw 106
9. Tom McCain 100
10. Tyler Stambaugh 100
11. Kevin Whited 91
12. James Lynn 90
13. Amy Hartzog 87
14. Jeremy McElroy 85
15. Matt McKimmy 84
16. John Dockery 81
17. Becky McKimmy 80
18. Elizabeth Bonney 74
19. Kyle Baker 73
20. Paul Taylor 68
Team Results – Most Trips
1. Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 764
2. Bike Richmond 639
3. Indycog 634
5. Dude, Where’s My Car? 258
6. CIBA 203
7. Mike Michiana 124
8. Summit City Bicycles 101
9. University Place Cycle Team 85
10. BF&S 83
11. Bicycle Indiana 74
12. Jeff Kolp State Farm 38
13. Three Rivers Velo Sport 35
14. Lonely Boys 31
15. Madison Area Bicycling Club 20
16. Machismo Cyclisimo 4
Ride your Drive and Win
Individual and Team results as of August 29, 2011
There are now 3 teams from Fort Wayne as Three Rivers Velo Sports has been added. We are making a great showing for the Fort. Keep up the good work everyone!
Top 20 Individual Results – High Mileage
1. Mary Craighead 1187
2. James Lynn 1132
3. Chuck Reidy 1026
4. Nate Gernert 966
5. Rick Cox 867
6. Daniel Atkinson 841
7. Doreen Crenshaw 839
8. Jefrey Kenny 802
9. Tyler Stambaugh 795
10. John Marshall 757
11. Don Golden 651
12. John Cook 573
13. Doug Wengerd 540
14. Sam Callaway 507
15. Cam Starnes 498
16. Kurt Weisner 424
17. Eric Nolan 420
18. John Taylor 406
19. Aaron Hawkins 390
20. Bob Burns 383
Team Results – High Mileage
1. Indycog 4527
2. Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 4103
3. Bike Richmond 2035
4. CIBA 1831
5. Summit City Bicycles 1356
6. Bike Michiana 1210
7. Lonely Boys 1026
8. Bicycle Indiana 666
9. BF&S 627
10. Jeff Kolp State Farm 420
11. Dude, Where’s My Car? 327
12. University Place Cycle Team 280
13. Madison Area Bicycling Club 263
14. Three Rivers Velo Sport 190
15. Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
1. Alexander Saldivar 187
2. Wendy Reed 163
3. Mary Craighead 145
4. Jefrey Kenny 133
5. Mark Strosberg 130
6. PJ Thuringer 117
7. John Lynn 111
8. Doreen Crenshaw 106
9. Tom McCain 100
10. Tyler Stambaugh 100
11. Kevin Whited 91
12. James Lynn 90
13. Amy Hartzog 87
14. Jeremy McElroy 85
15. Matt McKimmy 84
16. John Dockery 81
17. Becky McKimmy 80
18. Elizabeth Bonney 74
19. Kyle Baker 73
20. Paul Taylor 68
Team Results – Most Trips
1. Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 764
2. Bike Richmond 639
3. Indycog 634
5. Dude, Where’s My Car? 258
6. CIBA 203
7. Mike Michiana 124
8. Summit City Bicycles 101
9. University Place Cycle Team 85
10. BF&S 83
11. Bicycle Indiana 74
12. Jeff Kolp State Farm 38
13. Three Rivers Velo Sport 35
14. Lonely Boys 31
15. Madison Area Bicycling Club 20
16. Machismo Cyclisimo 4
Friday, August 26, 2011
Why the Post-Industrial Landscape Works as Places of Play
25 August 2011
from Rust Wire
Recently I have written a lot about physical abandonment and loss, or how vacancy can be a dispiriting and anger-provoking bit of sightliness: a skull at the societal banquet. But this doesn’t tell the whole story. As in abandonment there is also an opportunity to play.
To play is to ultimately recreate. To recreate monotony into entertainment—to recreate passivity into a kinetic interchange with the physics around you—to recreate what otherwise is into what could be through an outside molding of one’s inside imagination. To that end, play is the perfect medium to be thrown into abandonment if only as an act asserting life.
This perhaps helps explain the more recent phenomena of turning the bones of the post-industrial landscape into the limbs that make up a killer recreational spot. See below, a few…
The Whole Story
Riding out of a recession: Bicycle commuters can power the economy
By Neil H. Simon of The Oregonian
Cities across the world should follow Portland and Copenhagen's lead and adopt progressive urban planning and bike-friendly transportation policies, not just to lessen the environmental impact of cars, but as part of a wider strategy to climb out of recession and increase the economic impact of sustainable commuting policies.
The Whole Story
Cities across the world should follow Portland and Copenhagen's lead and adopt progressive urban planning and bike-friendly transportation policies, not just to lessen the environmental impact of cars, but as part of a wider strategy to climb out of recession and increase the economic impact of sustainable commuting policies.
The Whole Story
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Totally makes sense even though most won't agree
Opinion - The Globe and Mail
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Sure it is not here but I know of no such study like this in the US.
New Report: The British Cycling Economy | TheCityFix
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I love bats, please protect this important species (and I know, it isn't about bikes)
As my wife and neighbors can attest I am a big proponent of bats, but like everyone I don't like them in my house. I hope that if you have or do have bats in your house that you can humanely remove them. Good video.
found this on bikehugger

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Bikehugger is a cool site with a lot of great material. I just love this image.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
#1 in trips and #2 in miles......SWEET!!!
Another great week for Team Fort Wayne!!!
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 15, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
Mary Craighead 869
James Lynn 753
Chuck Reidy 736
Doreen Crenshaw 659
Nate Gernert 625
Daniel Atkinson 581
Doug Wengerd 540
John Marshall 540
Jeffrey Kenny 522
Tyler Stambaugh 504
Eric Nolan 420
Don Golden 419
John Taylor 406
Aaron Hawkins 390
John Cook 341
Sam Callaway 307
Tom McCain 297
Cam Starnes 295
John Lynn 294
Michael Packer 294
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 2721
Bike Richmond 1136
Summit City Bicycles 1015
CIBA 997
Lonely Boys 736
Bicycle Indiana 494
Jeff Kolp State Farm 420
BF&S 314
Bike Michiana 189
Madison Area Bicycling Club 149
Dude, Where's My Car? 140
Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
Elexander Saldivar 123
Wendy Reed 114
Mary Craighead 113
John Lynn 111
Tom McCain 100
Mark Stosberg 96
Jeffrey Kenny 91
Doreen Creshaw 86
Kevin Whited 78
PJ Thuringer 71
James Lynn 64
Tyler Stambaugh 58
Amy Hartzog 56
Becky McKimmy 56
Matt McKimmy 56
Kyle Baker 55
Doug Wengerd 55
Daniel Spillman 48
Aaron Hawkins 47
Daniel Atkins 46
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 494
Bike Richmond 439
Dude, Where's My Car? 140
Summit City Bicycles 79
Bicycle Indiana 72
Bike Michiana 40
Jeff Kolp State Farm 38
BF&S 34
Lonely Boys 21
Madison Area Bicycling Club 11
Machismo Cyclismo 4
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 15, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
Mary Craighead 869
James Lynn 753
Chuck Reidy 736
Doreen Crenshaw 659
Nate Gernert 625
Daniel Atkinson 581
Doug Wengerd 540
John Marshall 540
Jeffrey Kenny 522
Tyler Stambaugh 504
Eric Nolan 420
Don Golden 419
John Taylor 406
Aaron Hawkins 390
John Cook 341
Sam Callaway 307
Tom McCain 297
Cam Starnes 295
John Lynn 294
Michael Packer 294
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 2721
Bike Richmond 1136
Summit City Bicycles 1015
CIBA 997
Lonely Boys 736
Bicycle Indiana 494
Jeff Kolp State Farm 420
BF&S 314
Bike Michiana 189
Madison Area Bicycling Club 149
Dude, Where's My Car? 140
Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
Elexander Saldivar 123
Wendy Reed 114
Mary Craighead 113
John Lynn 111
Tom McCain 100
Mark Stosberg 96
Jeffrey Kenny 91
Doreen Creshaw 86
Kevin Whited 78
PJ Thuringer 71
James Lynn 64
Tyler Stambaugh 58
Amy Hartzog 56
Becky McKimmy 56
Matt McKimmy 56
Kyle Baker 55
Doug Wengerd 55
Daniel Spillman 48
Aaron Hawkins 47
Daniel Atkins 46
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 494
Bike Richmond 439
Dude, Where's My Car? 140
Summit City Bicycles 79
Bicycle Indiana 72
Bike Michiana 40
Jeff Kolp State Farm 38
BF&S 34
Lonely Boys 21
Madison Area Bicycling Club 11
Machismo Cyclismo 4
Monday, August 15, 2011
NPR.org » Woman Dies One Month After Being Hit By Cyclist In San Francisco
It is sad that it always takes extreme events in order for light to be brought to a subject. Hopefully all of us the bike can learn that following the laws that exist help to keep everyone safer.
It is sad that it always takes extreme events in order for light to be brought to a subject. Hopefully all of us the bike can learn that following the laws that exist help to keep everyone safer.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
My Fort Wayne Trails
Nice job Melissa! Who happens to be a member of the Fort Wayne Bicycle Commuter Team! Ride On!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
We're #2! We're #2!
Thanks to everyone for keeping up the good work!
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 8, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
James Lynn 714
Mary Craighead 681
Nate Gernert 625
Chuck Reidy 544
Doug Wengerd 540
Doreen Crenshaw 513
Jeffrey Kenny 441
Daniel Atkinson 431
Eric Nolan 420
Aaron Hawkins 390
Tyler Stambaugh 388
Don Golden 361
John Cook 341
Joe Smoker 304
Tom McCain 297
John Lynn 294
Pete Fritz 274
John Calley 262
Michael Packer 245
Kyle Baker 224
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 2165
Summit City Bicycles 1015
Bike Richmond 950
CIBA 869
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 420
Bicycle Indiana Total 366
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 149
Bike Michiana Total 137
BF&S Total 121
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 110
Machismo Cyclismo Total 33
Serrani Vincent Total 12
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
Alexanader Saldivar 117
John Lynn 111
Tom McCain 100
Wendy Reed 89
Mark Stosberg 84
Mary Craighead 82
Jeffrey Kenny 73
Doreen Crenshaw 68
Kevin Whited 60
PJ Thuringer 57
James Lynn 56
Doug Wengerd 55
Kyle Baker 50
Aaron Hawkins 47
Tyler Stambaugh 44
Matt McKimmy 43
Daniel Spillman 42
Amy Hartzog 40
Becky McKimmy 40
Eric Nolan 38
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 379
Bike Richmond 364
Dude, Where's My Car? 115
Summit City Bicycles 79
Bicycle Indiana 63
Bike Michiana 27
Madison Area Bicycling Club 11
BF&S 5 Machismo
Cyclismo 4
Serrani Vincent 3
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 8, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
James Lynn 714
Mary Craighead 681
Nate Gernert 625
Chuck Reidy 544
Doug Wengerd 540
Doreen Crenshaw 513
Jeffrey Kenny 441
Daniel Atkinson 431
Eric Nolan 420
Aaron Hawkins 390
Tyler Stambaugh 388
Don Golden 361
John Cook 341
Joe Smoker 304
Tom McCain 297
John Lynn 294
Pete Fritz 274
John Calley 262
Michael Packer 245
Kyle Baker 224
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 2165
Summit City Bicycles 1015
Bike Richmond 950
CIBA 869
Jeff Kolp State Farm Total 420
Bicycle Indiana Total 366
Madison Area Bicycling Club Total 149
Bike Michiana Total 137
BF&S Total 121
Dude, Where's My Car? Total 110
Machismo Cyclismo Total 33
Serrani Vincent Total 12
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
Alexanader Saldivar 117
John Lynn 111
Tom McCain 100
Wendy Reed 89
Mark Stosberg 84
Mary Craighead 82
Jeffrey Kenny 73
Doreen Crenshaw 68
Kevin Whited 60
PJ Thuringer 57
James Lynn 56
Doug Wengerd 55
Kyle Baker 50
Aaron Hawkins 47
Tyler Stambaugh 44
Matt McKimmy 43
Daniel Spillman 42
Amy Hartzog 40
Becky McKimmy 40
Eric Nolan 38
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 379
Bike Richmond 364
Dude, Where's My Car? 115
Summit City Bicycles 79
Bicycle Indiana 63
Bike Michiana 27
Madison Area Bicycling Club 11
BF&S 5 Machismo
Cyclismo 4
Serrani Vincent 3
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
critical manners courteous mass.
This Friday. Lawton Park. 630 pm. Hope to see you there.
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Monday, August 8, 2011
Great stuff for Indianapolis bike commuters
Ride in, work out, clean up at Downtown hub | The Indianapolis Star | indystar.com
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From the New York Times:
Published: July 30, 2011
AS an American who has been living here for several years, I am struck, every time I go home, by the way American cities remain manacled to the car. While Europe is dealing with congestion and greenhouse gas buildup by turning urban centers into pedestrian zones and finding innovative ways to combine driving with public transportation, many American cities are carving out more parking spaces. It’s all the more bewildering because America’s collapsing infrastructure would seem to cry out for new solutions.
Geography partly explains the difference: America is spread out, while European cities predate the car. But Boston and Philadelphia have old centers too, while the peripheral sprawl in London and Barcelona mirrors that of American cities.
More important, I think, is mind-set. Take bicycles. The advent of bike lanes in some American cities may seem like a big step, but merely marking a strip of the road for recreational cycling spectacularly misses the point. In Amsterdam, nearly everyone cycles, and cars, bikes and trams coexist in a complex flow, with dedicated bicycle lanes, traffic lights and parking garages. But this is thanks to a different way of thinking about transportation.
Read the rest here:
Published: July 30, 2011
AS an American who has been living here for several years, I am struck, every time I go home, by the way American cities remain manacled to the car. While Europe is dealing with congestion and greenhouse gas buildup by turning urban centers into pedestrian zones and finding innovative ways to combine driving with public transportation, many American cities are carving out more parking spaces. It’s all the more bewildering because America’s collapsing infrastructure would seem to cry out for new solutions.
Geography partly explains the difference: America is spread out, while European cities predate the car. But Boston and Philadelphia have old centers too, while the peripheral sprawl in London and Barcelona mirrors that of American cities.
More important, I think, is mind-set. Take bicycles. The advent of bike lanes in some American cities may seem like a big step, but merely marking a strip of the road for recreational cycling spectacularly misses the point. In Amsterdam, nearly everyone cycles, and cars, bikes and trams coexist in a complex flow, with dedicated bicycle lanes, traffic lights and parking garages. But this is thanks to a different way of thinking about transportation.
Read the rest here:
I don't understand how this guy isn't all sweaty at the end of this (Not like that is the only unrealistic aspect of this video). Totally awesome just the same.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Results of the Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge for Aug. 1
We are doing great! Over 550 miles logged in one week! Are you kidding me? Beautiful Job everyone.
To be totally honest, I was a little bummed that Summit City Bicycles decided to make their own team because we really need to come together to win this thing. (They logged over 800 miles this week alone!) But upon further reflection I realized that between the two teams we are still beating Indy. So Fort Wayne has that gong for it, which is nice.
So keep up the great work everyone! We are only one month in so this is a marathon and not a sprint!
From Bicycle Indiana
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 1, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
1 James Lynn 662
2 Mary Craighead 596
3 Nate Gernert 529
4 Doreen Crenshaw 414
5 Chuck Reidy 384
6 Aaron Hawkins 363
7 skijrff@juno.com 360
8 dja24@comcast.net 351
9 hobbesw1@juno.com 335
10 jasmoker2@gmail.com 304
11 John Lynn 294
12 Tyler Stambaugh 278
13 Don Golden 277
14 mz.busn@gmail.com 224
15 John Cook 221
16 jddockery2@aol.com 198
17 Richard White 191 351
18 Michael Packer 189
19 Nancy Tibbett 175
20 Sam Callaway 173
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 1622
Summit City Bicycles 892
Bike Richmond 523
CIBA 415
Bicycle Indiana 309
BF&S 116
Madison Area Bicycling Club 68
Bike Michiana 48
Dude, Where's My Car? 43
Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
1 John Lynn 111
2 Mark Stosberg 67
3 Mary Craighead 65
4 skijrff@juno.com 58
5 Wendy Reed 55
6 Doreen Crenshaw 52
7 James Lynn 50
8 Kevin Whited 47
9 PJ Thuringer 45
10 hawkeye@winstonsbrand.com 43
11 Tom McCain 43
12 laughingwags@ymail.com 38
13 hobbesw1@juno.com 37
14 laughingflash@ymail.com 37
15 Amy Hartzog 34
16 bkr_kyl@yahoo.com 32
17 Brian Meeker 30
18 Tyler Stambaugh 30
19 dja24@comcast.net 29
20 Don Golden 28
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 278
Bike Richmond 169
Summit City BicycleS 71
Bicycle Indiana 51
Dude, Where's My Car? 49
BF&S 16
Bike Michiana 9
Machismo Cyclismo 6
Madison Area Bicycling Club 5
To be totally honest, I was a little bummed that Summit City Bicycles decided to make their own team because we really need to come together to win this thing. (They logged over 800 miles this week alone!) But upon further reflection I realized that between the two teams we are still beating Indy. So Fort Wayne has that gong for it, which is nice.
So keep up the great work everyone! We are only one month in so this is a marathon and not a sprint!
From Bicycle Indiana
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of August 1, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
1 James Lynn 662
2 Mary Craighead 596
3 Nate Gernert 529
4 Doreen Crenshaw 414
5 Chuck Reidy 384
6 Aaron Hawkins 363
7 skijrff@juno.com 360
8 dja24@comcast.net 351
9 hobbesw1@juno.com 335
10 jasmoker2@gmail.com 304
11 John Lynn 294
12 Tyler Stambaugh 278
13 Don Golden 277
14 mz.busn@gmail.com 224
15 John Cook 221
16 jddockery2@aol.com 198
17 Richard White 191 351
18 Michael Packer 189
19 Nancy Tibbett 175
20 Sam Callaway 173
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 1622
Summit City Bicycles 892
Bike Richmond 523
CIBA 415
Bicycle Indiana 309
BF&S 116
Madison Area Bicycling Club 68
Bike Michiana 48
Dude, Where's My Car? 43
Machismo Cyclismo 33
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
1 John Lynn 111
2 Mark Stosberg 67
3 Mary Craighead 65
4 skijrff@juno.com 58
5 Wendy Reed 55
6 Doreen Crenshaw 52
7 James Lynn 50
8 Kevin Whited 47
9 PJ Thuringer 45
10 hawkeye@winstonsbrand.com 43
11 Tom McCain 43
12 laughingwags@ymail.com 38
13 hobbesw1@juno.com 37
14 laughingflash@ymail.com 37
15 Amy Hartzog 34
16 bkr_kyl@yahoo.com 32
17 Brian Meeker 30
18 Tyler Stambaugh 30
19 dja24@comcast.net 29
20 Don Golden 28
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 278
Bike Richmond 169
Summit City BicycleS 71
Bicycle Indiana 51
Dude, Where's My Car? 49
BF&S 16
Bike Michiana 9
Machismo Cyclismo 6
Madison Area Bicycling Club 5
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Bike commute to work (even if you mow lawns)
Nice to see this the other day on Curdes. Guy hauling his lawnmower.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Results from Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge (Thus far)
We are kicking tail! Most miles and most trips!
Keep up the good work and tell your friends!
And if you are on the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters, please email me so I have your contact info.
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of July 25, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
James Lynn 555
mary.craighead 490
Chuckreidy 384
Hobbesw1 335
Doe32 306
Aaron Hawkins 290
dja24 288
Skijrff 271
Mz.busn 224
jddockery2 198
John5844 193
Bmiller 172
Skcpp 152
Golden_don 149
Tyler.stambaugh 146
Whiteheadthomasm 144
nancy@bicycleindiana 141
Richard.linda.white 131
Laughingwags 129
Laughingflash 120
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 1,055
Bike Richmond 444
CIBA 387
Bicycle Indiana 160
Madison Area Bicycling Club 68
Dude, Where's My Car?` 42
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
mark stosbert 61
mary.craighead 51
skijrff 46
wendy.m.reed 42
doe32 39
James Lynn 38
hobbesw1 37
fwbikecommuter 34
laughingwags 32
Aaron Hawkins 31
laughingflash 31
jddockery2 27
Kevin Whited 27
dja24 24
skcpp 21
Amy Hartzog 20
meeker.brian 20
tyler.stambaugh 18
bkr_kyl 17
mz.busn 16
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 178
Bike Richmond 137
Dude, Where's My Car? 42
Bicycle Indiana 34
Madison Area Bicycling Club 5
Keep up the good work and tell your friends!
And if you are on the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters, please email me so I have your contact info.
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of July 25, 2011
Top 20 Individual Results - High Mileage
James Lynn 555
mary.craighead 490
Chuckreidy 384
Hobbesw1 335
Doe32 306
Aaron Hawkins 290
dja24 288
Skijrff 271
Mz.busn 224
jddockery2 198
John5844 193
Bmiller 172
Skcpp 152
Golden_don 149
Tyler.stambaugh 146
Whiteheadthomasm 144
nancy@bicycleindiana 141
Richard.linda.white 131
Laughingwags 129
Laughingflash 120
Team Results - High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 1,055
Bike Richmond 444
CIBA 387
Bicycle Indiana 160
Madison Area Bicycling Club 68
Dude, Where's My Car?` 42
Top 20 Individual Results – Most Trips
mark stosbert 61
mary.craighead 51
skijrff 46
wendy.m.reed 42
doe32 39
James Lynn 38
hobbesw1 37
fwbikecommuter 34
laughingwags 32
Aaron Hawkins 31
laughingflash 31
jddockery2 27
Kevin Whited 27
dja24 24
skcpp 21
Amy Hartzog 20
meeker.brian 20
tyler.stambaugh 18
bkr_kyl 17
mz.busn 16
Team Results – Most Trips
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 178
Bike Richmond 137
Dude, Where's My Car? 42
Bicycle Indiana 34
Madison Area Bicycling Club 5
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sweet custom Bianchi commuter
I love the diamond plate fenders. Haven't seen those before.
Spotted outside the History Center downtown. Who's bike is this?
Spotted outside the History Center downtown. Who's bike is this?
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If you want less driving, eliminate parking. Makes sense.
To Curb Driving, Cities Cut Down on Car Parking
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Here are the Results thus far for the Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge
From the Bicycle Indiana website:
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of July 18, 2011
Individual Results High Mileage
jameslynn79 373
mary.craighead 302
mz.busn 224
doe32 198
dja24 183
skijrffl 181
bmiller 172
Nancy Tibbett 106
kabeisner 99
skcpp 92
jddockery2 90
whiteheadthomasm 90
mark stosberg 83
richard.linda.white 77
lars 76
john5844 75
laughingwags 75
ahartzog923 74
tompritch1 68
laughingflash 66
bkr_kyl 58
phillipgabell 58
Kevin Whited 41
martwin 40
kurt 37
becky.mckimmy 36
three 35
thumanm 32
wendy.m.reed 28
mekiser 27
chadalt74 25
James 22
lmichaelis 21
kewaggener 18
hobbesw1 16
meeker.brian 16
kyleallenjohnson 15
fwbikecommuter 14
fricker 12
leifdejong 12
scbull2000 12
kmbranson88 9
bogey_c01 5
hopi 4
masparks 4
tyler.stambaugh 1
Team Results High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 479
Bike Richmond 341
CIBA 165
Bicycle Indiana 136
Madiason Area Bicycling Club 68
Dude, Where's My Car?` 33
Individual Results – Most Trips
mark stosbert 41
mary.craighead 35
wendy.m.reed 34
doe32 26
skijrff 26
jameslynn79 24
laughingwags 22
laughingflash 21
ahartzog923 20
kevin whited 19
jddockery2 17
dja24 16
mz.busn 16
kewaggener 15
becky.mckimmy 13
skcpp 13
bkr_kyl 12
fricker 12
three 12
bogey_c01 10
fwbikecommuter 10
Nancy Tibbett 10
whiteheadthomasm 10
chadalt74 8
kmbranson88 8
meeker.brian 8
kurt 7
richard.linda.white 7
kabeisner 6
lars 6
leifdejong 6
tompritch1 5
bmiller 4
hopi 4
john5844 4
mekiser 4
phillipgabell 4
scbull2000 4
hobbesw1 2
James 2
lmichaelis 2
martwin 2
masparks 2
tyler.stambaugh 2
kyleallenjohnson 1
thumanm 1
Team Results – Most Trips
Bike Richmond 104
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 76
Dude, Where's My Car? 44
Bicycle Indiana 28
Madiason Area Bicycling Club 5
We are doing great!
Keep it up Fort Wayne Bike Commuters and tell a friend.
2011 Bicycle Indiana Commute Challenge
Ride Your Drive and Win
Individual and Team Results as of July 18, 2011
Individual Results High Mileage
jameslynn79 373
mary.craighead 302
mz.busn 224
doe32 198
dja24 183
skijrffl 181
bmiller 172
Nancy Tibbett 106
kabeisner 99
skcpp 92
jddockery2 90
whiteheadthomasm 90
mark stosberg 83
richard.linda.white 77
lars 76
john5844 75
laughingwags 75
ahartzog923 74
tompritch1 68
laughingflash 66
bkr_kyl 58
phillipgabell 58
Kevin Whited 41
martwin 40
kurt 37
becky.mckimmy 36
three 35
thumanm 32
wendy.m.reed 28
mekiser 27
chadalt74 25
James 22
lmichaelis 21
kewaggener 18
hobbesw1 16
meeker.brian 16
kyleallenjohnson 15
fwbikecommuter 14
fricker 12
leifdejong 12
scbull2000 12
kmbranson88 9
bogey_c01 5
hopi 4
masparks 4
tyler.stambaugh 1
Team Results High Mileage
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 479
Bike Richmond 341
CIBA 165
Bicycle Indiana 136
Madiason Area Bicycling Club 68
Dude, Where's My Car?` 33
Individual Results – Most Trips
mark stosbert 41
mary.craighead 35
wendy.m.reed 34
doe32 26
skijrff 26
jameslynn79 24
laughingwags 22
laughingflash 21
ahartzog923 20
kevin whited 19
jddockery2 17
dja24 16
mz.busn 16
kewaggener 15
becky.mckimmy 13
skcpp 13
bkr_kyl 12
fricker 12
three 12
bogey_c01 10
fwbikecommuter 10
Nancy Tibbett 10
whiteheadthomasm 10
chadalt74 8
kmbranson88 8
meeker.brian 8
kurt 7
richard.linda.white 7
kabeisner 6
lars 6
leifdejong 6
tompritch1 5
bmiller 4
hopi 4
john5844 4
mekiser 4
phillipgabell 4
scbull2000 4
hobbesw1 2
James 2
lmichaelis 2
martwin 2
masparks 2
tyler.stambaugh 2
kyleallenjohnson 1
thumanm 1
Team Results – Most Trips
Bike Richmond 104
Fort Wayne Bike Commuters 76
Dude, Where's My Car? 44
Bicycle Indiana 28
Madiason Area Bicycling Club 5
We are doing great!
Keep it up Fort Wayne Bike Commuters and tell a friend.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Good article
How to talk about cycling to a conservative | Bicycle Times Magazine
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Indiana bicycle commuter challenge
If you don't know what this is then check this out!
Sign up and record all the riding that you do when you are using your bike as a vehicle for commuting to somewhere. Like to work, or the store, or to dinner or to see a band or to the ballgame.
Choose the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Team. I would like to see our team rack up the most trips. It goes through September!
Sign up and record all the riding that you do when you are using your bike as a vehicle for commuting to somewhere. Like to work, or the store, or to dinner or to see a band or to the ballgame.
Choose the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters Team. I would like to see our team rack up the most trips. It goes through September!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Do you advocate for bikes? Ahhhhhright.
People for Bikes | Funding for bicycling is in jeopardy
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge
Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge
Wanna have top bragging rights in the state and win some cool stuff? Ride your drive and be part of the 2011 Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge!
The Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge allows individuals and teams throughout Indiana, to compete against each other in several categories, during the months of July, August, and September. Join the competition and be part of the solution. Save money, reduce pollution, ease traffic congestion and get healthy all at the same time, while helping your bicycle club or organization or yourself win the Commuter Challenge!
Register HERE "This is your Captain speaking. Sign up under the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters team! It'll be sweet to see how many trips and miles we all log!"
Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge Website
Wanna have top bragging rights in the state and win some cool stuff? Ride your drive and be part of the 2011 Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge!
The Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge allows individuals and teams throughout Indiana, to compete against each other in several categories, during the months of July, August, and September. Join the competition and be part of the solution. Save money, reduce pollution, ease traffic congestion and get healthy all at the same time, while helping your bicycle club or organization or yourself win the Commuter Challenge!
Register HERE "This is your Captain speaking. Sign up under the Fort Wayne Bike Commuters team! It'll be sweet to see how many trips and miles we all log!"
Bicycle Indiana Commuter Challenge Website
Monday, July 4, 2011
Critical Manners/Courteous Mass for July 2011
Come on out and learn how to ride with traffic, be respectful, and show drivers that there are cyclists who care to obey the laws of the land.
Lawton Park
This Friday, July 8th
630 pm start time
We usually do about 8 miles at a moderate pace
No one will be dropped
We look forward to seeing you
Lawton Park
This Friday, July 8th
630 pm start time
We usually do about 8 miles at a moderate pace
No one will be dropped
We look forward to seeing you
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This pretty much sums it all up (bike to live, live to bike)
Nancy Folbre: The Bicycle Dividend - NYTimes.com
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Cool idea
Bike couriers haul recycling to add business | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Environmental impact of driving in U.S.
Calculating the Environmental Impact of Driving in the United States | TheCityFix
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
bike repair vending machines? Holy Cow!
Check Out Minneapolis’ Bike Repair Vending Machines | Transportation Nation
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Some sweet bike parking
Bike parking is so key in order to grow its use as an alternative to driving your car.
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Consider joining the 2 Mile Challenge
It is sponsored by Clif (you know they make bars). You log your miles in Clif's effort to reduce 100,000 car trips. It is relatively painless and a good reminder to get on your bike instead of in the car. You join 1 of three teams depending on where your heart lies. Go for it Fort Wayne Bike Commuters.
Texted this yesterday but it is so awesome had to put it up here too
NYT: Europe Stifles Drivers in Favo
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Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Non Motorized infrastructure creates more jobs
Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure: A National Study of Employment Impacts
Garrett-Peltier, Heidi
Pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails, can all be used for transportation, recreation, and fitness. These types of infrastructure have been shown to create many benefits for their users as well as the rest of the community. Some of these benefits are economic, such as increased revenues and jobs for local businesses, and some are non-economic benefits such as reduced congestion, better air quality, safer travel routes, and improved health outcomes. While other studies have examined the economic and non-economic impacts of the use of walking and cycling infrastructure, few have analyzed the employment that results from the design and construction of these projects. In this study we estimate the employment impacts of building and refurbishing transportation infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. We analyze various transportation projects and use state-specific data to estimate the number of jobs created within each state where the project is located.
The data for this study were gathered from departments of transportation and public works departments from 11 cities in the United States. Using detailed cost estimates on a variety of projects, we use an input-output model to study the direct, indirect, and induced employment that is created through the design, construction, and materials procurement of bicycle, pedestrian, and road infrastructure. We evaluate 58 separate projects and present the results by project, by city, and by category. Overall we find that bicycling infrastructure creates the most jobs for a given level of spending: For each $1 million, the cycling projects in this study create a total of 11.4 jobs within the state where the project is located. Pedestrian-only projects create an average of about 10 jobs per $1 million and multi-use trails create nearly as many, at 9.6 jobs per $1 million. Infrastructure that combines road construction with pedestrian and bicycle facilities creates slightly fewer jobs for the same amount of spending, and road-only projects create the least, with a total of 7.8 jobs per $1 million. On average, the 58 projects we studied create about 9 jobs per $1 million within their own states. If we add the spill-over employment that is created in other states through the supply chain, the employment impact rises by an average of 3 additional jobs per $1 million.
Garrett-Peltier, Heidi
Pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails, can all be used for transportation, recreation, and fitness. These types of infrastructure have been shown to create many benefits for their users as well as the rest of the community. Some of these benefits are economic, such as increased revenues and jobs for local businesses, and some are non-economic benefits such as reduced congestion, better air quality, safer travel routes, and improved health outcomes. While other studies have examined the economic and non-economic impacts of the use of walking and cycling infrastructure, few have analyzed the employment that results from the design and construction of these projects. In this study we estimate the employment impacts of building and refurbishing transportation infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. We analyze various transportation projects and use state-specific data to estimate the number of jobs created within each state where the project is located.
The data for this study were gathered from departments of transportation and public works departments from 11 cities in the United States. Using detailed cost estimates on a variety of projects, we use an input-output model to study the direct, indirect, and induced employment that is created through the design, construction, and materials procurement of bicycle, pedestrian, and road infrastructure. We evaluate 58 separate projects and present the results by project, by city, and by category. Overall we find that bicycling infrastructure creates the most jobs for a given level of spending: For each $1 million, the cycling projects in this study create a total of 11.4 jobs within the state where the project is located. Pedestrian-only projects create an average of about 10 jobs per $1 million and multi-use trails create nearly as many, at 9.6 jobs per $1 million. Infrastructure that combines road construction with pedestrian and bicycle facilities creates slightly fewer jobs for the same amount of spending, and road-only projects create the least, with a total of 7.8 jobs per $1 million. On average, the 58 projects we studied create about 9 jobs per $1 million within their own states. If we add the spill-over employment that is created in other states through the supply chain, the employment impact rises by an average of 3 additional jobs per $1 million.
Little education action from Parkview
Parkview continues to do right by Fort Wayne in helping to educate cyclists and drivers alike. Thank you Parkview.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
My bike locker returns!
As you all know, the City offices have moved to Citizens Square. I have been having to park my beautiful Breezer Finesse on the street for the last 6 weeks. But this week my bike locker was relocated and I am so happy! So is my bike, especially with all of the rain that we've had lately.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Want to be patriotic? Stop driving.
Life Inc. - Good Graph Friday: Want to be a pocketbook patriot? Stop driving
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
More exposure is always good.
Bicyclists should ride with traffic | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
I was riding down S. Hanna yesterday and a cyclist was riding against traffic. I was not going to change my line and at the last second he swerved around me. 2 seconds later a FWPD passed me. I sometimes wish that blatant disregard for traffic laws were enforced. If he was a car he would have been ticketed.
I was riding down S. Hanna yesterday and a cyclist was riding against traffic. I was not going to change my line and at the last second he swerved around me. 2 seconds later a FWPD passed me. I sometimes wish that blatant disregard for traffic laws were enforced. If he was a car he would have been ticketed.
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Friday, June 10, 2011
Courteous Mass/Critical Manners for June 10th - yeah I spaced that it was tonight!
All parties are welcome to join and help bring common courtesy back to the streets. For those who need a refresher on what Courteous Mass/Critical Manners is, here is the deal:
• The ride will respect and abide the city’s traffic laws.
• Rides will be on the slow side to ensure no one is dropped and that the Mass stays a mass.
• The Mass will only take up one lane, two when necessary for safety.
• The ride will stop at red lights and stop signs. If a light turns red mid-mass, the riders who made the light should safely pull over to wait for those who were caught by the light.
• Riders are asked to signal turns, call out danger, and communicate their intentions to other riders.
The goal of these rides is to be a visible and positive example of the cooperation that can exist between cars and bicycles when people respect the laws and each other.
Also, to help those who maybe aren't used to cycling vehicularly. There are a few of us who do it all the time so we could throw you some pointers! (i.e. it is a learning experience).
So join the CM2 and help make Fort Wayne a better place for bicycles. This Friday at Lawton Park by the Softball Field near Spy Run Creek. We meet at 6:15 and ride at 6:30
• The ride will respect and abide the city’s traffic laws.
• Rides will be on the slow side to ensure no one is dropped and that the Mass stays a mass.
• The Mass will only take up one lane, two when necessary for safety.
• The ride will stop at red lights and stop signs. If a light turns red mid-mass, the riders who made the light should safely pull over to wait for those who were caught by the light.
• Riders are asked to signal turns, call out danger, and communicate their intentions to other riders.
The goal of these rides is to be a visible and positive example of the cooperation that can exist between cars and bicycles when people respect the laws and each other.
Also, to help those who maybe aren't used to cycling vehicularly. There are a few of us who do it all the time so we could throw you some pointers! (i.e. it is a learning experience).
So join the CM2 and help make Fort Wayne a better place for bicycles. This Friday at Lawton Park by the Softball Field near Spy Run Creek. We meet at 6:15 and ride at 6:30
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