Thursday, May 16, 2013


  • Please come and ask the questions as to how the future needs were determined? 
  • Was the Bike Fort Wayne Plan used in determining those needs? Why not!? 
  • With the reduction in vehicle miles traveled over the last few years, why are we still expanding and widening roads?  
  • NIRCC is the sole purveyor of federal transportation dollars in our area.  If they decide they don't like or want something then we won't get it.  We must come out and show them that there are a lot of us out there that demand better, demand more for our great City of Fort Wayne!

Transportation Planning

FY 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program
2035 Transportation Plan

May 22, 2013 from 4 PM – 6:30 PM
Citizens Square - Omni Room (Room #045)

The Northeastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council (NIRCC) would like to invite all citizens to attend an open house to review the Draft Fiscal Year 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Draft 2035 Transportation Plan (long range plan) and the Air Quality Conformity Analysis.  This public notice, and time established for public review and comment on the Transportation Improvement Program and Transportation Plan, satisfies the program-of-projects notice requirements of the Federal Transportation Administration Urbanized Area Formula Program (Section 5307) for the Fort Wayne Public Transportation Corporation/Citilink.

The Draft 2035 Transportation Plan has been updated to reflect the future needs of the urbanized area. The Draft Fiscal Year 2014-2017 TIP includes transit, highway, pedestrian and bicycle projects funded with federal funds in Allen County during the next four years. Staff will be present to answer questions and take any comments.  We encourage you to attend. 

If you are unable to attend and wish to review the Draft Fiscal Year 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects, the Draft 2035 Transportation Plan Projects or the Air Quality Conformity Analysis, you may visit our office where material will be available for review through May 31, 2013. You may also view the materials on our website ( 

You may send comments by mail or e-mail to the locations listed below.  The intent of the open house is to solicit input and comments from the public regarding the documents. NIRCC will accept comments through May 31, 2013.

Citizens Square Room 230
200 East Berry Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802


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